(In)definite Articles, Object Markers and Plural Morphemes in Lori Bala Geriveh

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, Iran


The present paper aims at describing the three morphological features in Bala Geriveh: Articles, Plurality and Object Marking. This research followed a descriptive-analytic approach towards the three categories. In order to collect data, we have interviewed a group of Lor speakers. Plural morphemes in Lori are - and -ʊ and they seem to be similar to - and -ɑn in Persian. The allomorphs -en and -n in Lori Bala Geriveh are considered as object markers and have their specific features such as their concatenation with possessive adjectives in plural form and not in singular form. Indefinite article in Lori is -ɪ and ɜː in adjectival forms; while, definite article is -ke and in adjectival forms. The morpheme -ke is an indication of a background knowledge concerning past; while -e shows a case, which is observable or recognizable at the moment of speaking. (In)definiteness in Lori is completely different from Persian.
