Guide for Authors


Note: The journal does not charge any fees from authors for accepting and publishing articles.


To submit an article to this journal, attention to the following is mandatory:

  1. A) Scientific conditions:
  2. The article must be the result of the author's or authors' scientific research. If it is proven at any time that the article has been extracted from sources and articles without citation, the article will be excluded from review or acceptance, and legal actions will be taken.
  3. The use of scientific research methods and reliable resources is mandatory.
  4. It should be noted that submitted articles must necessarily meet the standards of scientific journals. Therefore, translated works, compilations, and articles written in a review or promotional manner will not be accepted.
  5. B) Article evaluation process:

At first, articles are registered in the article submission section of the system. Then, they are presented to the executive manager in the editorial board meeting. After the editor's review and the editorial board's evaluation, if the necessary conditions are met, the article will be sent to 2 or 3 or more reviewers. Finally, after receiving the reviewers' comments, the result of the evaluation will be presented in the editorial board meeting. If the article needs to be revised, the reviewers' opinions will be sent to the author. In the end, if sufficient scores are achieved, the acceptance letter of the article will be sent to the author. The minimum time for initial review of articles is two to three weeks, and if the article is sent to the main reviewer, the review process will take at least two months.

  1. C) Initial acceptance conditions:
  2. The article must be formatted according to the journal's guidelines.
  3. Articles extracted from theses must be accompanied by the approval of the thesis advisor, and the advisor's name must also be registered and mentioned in the system.
  4. The order of the authors' names and the selection of the corresponding author must be specified at the time of article submission, and there will be no possibility of changing the order, adding, or removing authors. The necessary attention of the authors in indicating their affiliations is mandatory, and this matter is also not subject to change. Therefore, the responsibility of not neglecting these matters lies with the authors of the articles. It is reiterated that due care should be taken when completing the authors' profiles in the journal system. Under no circumstances is it possible to change the order, number, academic rank, and specifications of the authors and the corresponding author at any stage. (Graduate students should make sure they are familiar with the rules of their university.) The author must commit to not submitting the article simultaneously to any other journal, and until its acceptance in Linguistic Studies, Theory and Practice, it should not be submitted to other journals. The commitment form available on the website must be completed, signed, and submitted with the article. 
  5. The article must not have been presented or published in any journal or conference before.
  6. Submitted articles will not be returned under any circumstances.
  7. The responsibility for the contents of each article, in all respects, lies with the author or authors.
  8. In articles that use typesetting, submitting the relevant font file and a PDF of the article is mandatory.
  9. At the pre-acceptance stage, the author/authors must provide an extended abstract (click on the link) and format the article according to the journal's guidelines. Conditions for writing the article and submitting the original article file Note that in the original article file, there should be no author information such as name, postal address, email address, phone number, etc. Also, do not use author names to name the article file. Author information should be entered in a separate file called "Author Information File". This file will include the author's name, affiliation (university name), email address, phone number, etc.

Additionally, it is necessary to identify the responsible author in case there are more than one author.

  1. The article should have a solid structure and scientific writing principles should be followed.
  2. The article should be organized as follows:

2-1 The title of the article should be written in the middle of the first page with B Lotus font size 13.

2-2 The Persian abstract should be between 150 to 250 words and written with Lotus B font size 11. Persian keywords should also be listed alphabetically at the end of the Persian abstract with 4 to 6 words.

2-3 The main text of the article should be written with B Lotus font size 13 and a word count between 5000 to 7500 words.

2-3-1 In-text citations should be organized as follows: References to books or articles should be inside parentheses and include the author's last name, year, and page number. For example: (Karimi, 2011: 390). If necessary, the title of the work can replace the author's name.

2-3-2. Specific names, Latin expressions, and foreign combinations should be placed in footnotes.

2-4 The conclusion of the article should be written in two to three paragraphs at most. 

2-5 The bibliography should be alphabetically organized and include the following information at the end of the article:

-For a book: Author's last name, author's initials (publication year). Book title (in italics), editor or translator's name, edition number (if applicable). Place of publication: publisher.

-For a journal or periodical: Author's last name, author's initials (publication year). Article title (in quotes). Journal title (in italics), volume number, issue number, page numbers.

2-6 The English abstract should be written in Times New Roman font, size 12.

The keywords in English should be the same as those in Persian, which are provided at the end of the English abstract.

  1. Page Formatting Instructions:

3-1 The text should be typed in A4 format with margins of 4 centimeters on each side of the page.

3-2 If the article contains poetry, the verses must be typed and arranged in a table.

3-3 If the article contains a chart or chart from an Excel program, the Excel file must also be submitted along with the article file.

3-4 Words must be typed separately from each other and the spacing between words must be observed. Examples include: "they", "have done", "most important", "come", and so on.

3-5 Punctuation marks such as periods, semicolons, colons, etc. should be attached to the word before them.

3-6 The font used throughout the article must match the Persian font manual published by the Academy of Persian Language and Literature. To check the status of your articles, please refer to the system and avoid using phone calls as much as possible, as emails may face errors or disruptions, therefore, authors are required to log into the journal system periodically and check the latest status of their articles in their profiles. At the end, to submit the article, it is necessary to fill out the following forms and upload them with the following titles:

  • Please complete the Conflict-of-Interest form and upload it with the title "Conflict of Interest Form" in the File Upload section.
  • Please complete the Commitment Letter form and upload it with the title "Letter to the Editor" in the File Upload section.
  • Please complete the Form and upload it with the title "Copyright License" in the File Upload section. 
  • Note that only the corresponding author is allowed access to view, edit, and submit information after submitting the article and undergoing review. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the corresponding author's access ability when submitting the article. Manager of Linguistics Studies: Theory and Practice Journal 

Linguistic Studies: Theory and Practice