The comparative study of pervious junior high school English textbook’s lexicons and core vocabulary lists of English and Persian

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Organization for Educational Research and Planning (OERP)


The study of core vocabulary has rich and considerable literature and numerous lists of atomic vocabulary of English language as the most prevalent international lingua franca have been proposed especially for the sake of educational purposes. The main objective of this paper is to comparatively study the 1st grade English textbook of official educational system of Iran within the frame work of core vocabulary lists of Persian and English to find out how relevant the lexicon taught in this book are with the concepts of the core vocabularies . The data is gathered from the textbook and the most well-known core vocabulary lists. The methodology is descriptive-analytical one and the textbook words are comparatively analyzed with the lexicon mentioned in the selected lists. The findings of this article have shown that the before mentioned book covers a fairly good number of the words listed in the core vocabulary lists of both Persian and English. The curriculum designers and educational policy makers may find the results to find the shortcomings of the book and improve its scientific quality.
