Teachers' Code-Switching in EFL Classes: Deficiency or Asset?

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Applied Linguistics, Ismalic Azad University, Science & Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics, Islamic Azad University, Science Sanandaj Branch, Sanandaj, Iran


Following the previous research studies, the present study intends to investigate the positive function that code-switching to L1 (Farsi) performs in the EFL classes of three English institutes in Iran. The case study focuses on revealing the attitudes of teachers and learners towards the patterns, functions and factors of switching to L1 in EFL classes in the context of Iran. In this study, quantitative research method is employed in order to analyze code-switching to Farsi through questionnaires. The analysis of the collected data revealed that code-switching to L1 is a prevalent strategy used by most EFL teachers in English institutes of Iran. It was also concluded that code-switching to L1 plays a positive role in teaching and learning of the English language.
