A look at Rahmandoust's poems based on Searle's Theory of Speech Acts

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Linguistics, Shahrood Azad University

2 Department of Linguistics, Semnan University

3 Shahrood Azad University


Critical and creative thinking, provides the necessary basis for human development and philosophical thinking. From the past to the present, among the various schools of linguistics, language has been used as a tool for thinking, representing thoughts and communication. In her/his words and writings, a person reflects ideas, feelings, desires and inclinations. In the forthcoming study, an attempt is made to examine the poems of the prominent child poet - Mostafa Rahmandoust - in terms of critical thinking, using Searle's Theory of Speech Acts. For this purpose 73 poems of him have been selected and studied separately based on the division of Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Adult, (A/B), (C) and (D). The research results indicates that in the age group (A/B), Rahmandoust has used more expressive, directive and commisive actions in his poems. He avoided being a mere speaker and tried to involve the reader clearly in the process of meaning making and in this way created two-way interaction. In the age group (C) and (D), considering the adolescent's sense of independence and cognitive development, he gradually left the judgment to her/him and provided the ground for thought by presenting philosophical discussions in the form of declarative actions. He has invited the adolescent to take a stand on issues in order to judge and benefit from the result of their thinking growth and creativity. Rahmandoust's poems lead the audience towards critical and creative thinking. The article tries to provide evidence to show that he has included


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