A Semiotic Study of Story in Terms of the Concepts of Readerly and Writerly in Roland Barth’s Theory: A Case Study of Jamalzadeh's "Persian is Sugar" and Hedayat's "S.G.L.L"

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of English and Linguistics, Faculty of Language and Literature, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran.

2 Department of Eglish Language and Literature, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Although conducting researches in the area of the categorization of literary works into open and closed texts has largely attracted the attention of the literary scholars, the analysis of the texts according to Roland Barthes’s Readerly and Writerly texts has been less popular. In this sense, “Persian is Sugar” from the collection Once upon a Time and Hedayat’s “S.G.L.L” from the collection Light-Dark have been chosen for presenting a comparative study. The research attempts to examine the concepts of readerly and writerly texts in both short stories. The central objective here, is to investigate the readerly aspects of “Persian is Sugar” and examine the notion of writerly text in “S.G.L.L.” Regarding the proposed intention, with a textual analysis, the mentioned texts will be scrutinized through Barthes’s five semiotic codes. The chosen texts will be analyzed separately and the conclusion is strictly relevant only to the stories and not the authors.
