Semiotic Reading of the Code of Sermon 35 of Nahj al-Balagha (Based on Roland Barthes' Five Codes Model)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Kashan/Iran

2 Visiting professor of Khwarazmi University


This research is descriptive-analytical. Its aim is to examine the semantic layers of Sermon 35 of Nahj al-Balagha from the perspective of Roland Barthes' semiotics. This approach is derived from an analysis of the five codes (hermeneutic, pragmatic, semantic, symbolic, and cultural). The hermeneutical code presents the sermon as a narrative of injustice and deviation from the right path, as well as Imam Ali's efforts to uphold justice and seek truth. The actional codes delve into the actions of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and Muawiyah's conspiracies. The semantic codes highlight concepts such as patience, justice, and oppression within the text. Cultural codes also interpret the discourse within the framework of Islamic culture and beliefs. The layers of meaning embedded within the text of the sermon include historical narrative, analysis of political actions, ethical concepts, religious and cultural symbols, and connections to Islamic beliefs.

Keywords: Semiotics, Code, Roland Barthes, Nahj al-Balagha, Sermon 35,. Imam Ali.


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