Investigating the story of Ibrahim (AS) based on the concept of non-linearity

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor in Arabic Language and Literature,, Faculty of Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

2 Associate Professor in Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

3 M.A. in Arabic Language and Literature,, Faculty of Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.


Going beyond linear order through repetition is a comprehensive linguistic device that the

Holy Qur'an uses to distinguish itself from ordinary language . The Holy Qur'an transcends linear order, a primary feature of speech, through the scattering and repetition of stories . By examining the concept of non - linear order and its connection with the unique style of the Holy Qur'an, this article demonstrates that each repetition in the story of Ibrahim ( p b u h ) holds a specific place within its linguistic context . These repetitions are neither mere reiterations nor segments of a linear narrative . Instead, in the Holy Qur'an's distinctive style, they provide a means to transcend linear order and temporality, establishing a non-linear relationship between different parts of the Qur'an . Consequently, the non-linear order in the Holy Qur'an is not understood as disjointedness but embodies a stronger sense of coherence .


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