Functional Analysis of Stanzas of Gibran's Ode "al-Mawakeb" based on Interpersonal Metafunction in Systematic Functional Grammar

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Language and Literature, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Language and Literature, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

3 Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Kurdistan


Systematic linguistics examines the role-oriented grammar of language within the context of text and in the three domains of interpersonal, textual, and ideational metafunctions, explaining its function in the evolution of cognitive processes. Since linguistic structures such as grammatical rules, types of vocabulary, and their combinations are effective in shaping and developing human cognitive processes as well as in analyzing and understanding texts, studying the poem "al-Mawakib" as a significant, philosophical, and extended work with themes such as contemplation of nature, goodness, poetry, justice, life, and death based on linguistic analytical approaches reveals new dimensions of its technical and textual aspects. In this research, the analysis of the refrains in the poem "al-Mawakib" is conducted using a descriptive-analytical method and based on the interpersonal metafunction approach to elucidate its semantic coherence and structural features, thereby uncovering aspects of its linguistic characteristics and providing an understanding of the poem's content, implications, and messages. The research findings show that the poet uses various forms of declarative, emphatic, imperative, wishful expressions, and positive polarity to describe material and conceptual experiences. Through the repetition of declarative and emphatic statements, the poet engages with the audience, aligning them with his thoughts, and by using the imperative form, he invites them to play the "ney," which symbolizes eternity and tranquility.


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