Studying the degree of semantic correlation between title and prototype in Persian lessons of the first to the sixth elementary school: A cognitive linguistics approach

Document Type : Original Article


Teaching Persian Language and Literature Department, Shahid Mofateh Faculty. Farhangiyan University, Tehran


Meaning and its nature is the main problem of cognitive linguistics, the result of sensory experience obtained from the five senses of sight, speech, sound, taste and smell. In fact, the theory of sensory cognition is the heart of cognitive linguistics. In cognitive semantics, unlike logical semantics, attention is paid to the conceptual or cognitive construction that is received from the world through experience. One of the theories related to this field is the prototype theory which is based on common prototypes which is opposite to the theory of semantic features which is based on two values {+} or {-}. The purpose of this research is to discover the prototypes of the titles of Persian lessons in the first to sixth grades of elementary school based on prototypical criteria such as inference, construal, typicality, frequency and order. The research method is qualitative-quantitative, its type is descriptive-analytical and its approach is linguistic. The sample size was all the titles of Persian books from the first to the sixth. The data was graded based on the Likert scale and the percentage of semantic correlation between the titles and messages and prototypes include degrees e.g average 32%, low 31%, high 22%, very low 12% and very high 3 % that in general, this correlation is moderately downward. From the above findings, it can be concluded that titles are not explicit in expressing the message of lessons. This difficulty can lead to misunderstanding of the text and cause some problems in teaching and learning.


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