The Rhythm of Narrative In Iranian Folk Short Stories By Enjavi Shirazi From the Viewpoint of Discourse Semi-Semantic in Classical Narratives

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. in Persian language and literature, Razi University, Kermanshah.iran

2 Associate Professor of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, Razi University of Kermanshah. Iran

3 Associate Professor of French Lannguage and Literature, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran


This research with descriptive-analytic and statistical methods and its approach is from the view point of Semi- Semantic in classical narratives, tries to analyze the problem of following  or non-following of subjects acting  pattern for possessing or repossessing or protecting the object, of a special pattern in201 Iranian folk short stories collected by Enjavi Shirazi in a four-volume collection: Arousak and Sang-e Sabour, Dokhtar-e Narenj and Toranj, Gol ba Senowbar Che Kard and Gol-e Boumadaran. The results of this research show that the narrative procedure of 661 existing subjects in these stories, just like a repetitive rhythm, involves partition and rhythm vacillation and at last, finds a repetitive rhythm again. This type of narrative procedure follows a proto pattern with different variables that the changing of its variables, creates 19 types of sub-rhythm in these stories, and are listed based on the numbers from one to 19 in this research.
