Investigating the Epistemological World of Imam Ali (AS) in the 108th Sermon of Nahj al-Balagha Based on the Three Worlds in the Cognitive Poetics Approach

Document Type : Original Article


PhD. in Persian Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.


The main purpose of current study, which is conducted through a descriptive-analytic method, is representation of belief and epistemic sub-world in Emam Ali’s khotbe-ye- 108(108th Peech) Based on Paul Werth’s Text worlds theory. It consider text in three dimensions; Text worlds, Discourse worlds, Sub-worlds. Author and reader intract In Text worlds through of text. Discourse worlds deal with situation and sub-worlds determine producer’s believes and approachs. Sub-worlds be devided to Diectic sub-worlds, Attitudinal sub-worlds and Epistemic sub-worlds. Current study want to answer these questions:Which kind of text use in this text, which Sub- worlds is predominate in text, how does is combined together three worlds. Achievements demonstrate usage of descriptive- discoursive and Instructive text that are suitable for interaction in ceremony. All of sub-worlds has used in speech, but Epistemic sub-worlds are outstanding. They are represented by a metaphoric system through of Incrementation. Incrementation reveal main Mapping in which relationship between the government and the people is encounter Emam and people’s one. Government-people’s relationship is represented by a binary oppositions; Wolf-sheep and Emam- people’s frindship is showed by doctor- sick’s one.


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