Analysis of the role of semiotic systems and actants in a story from Golestan in the formation of lifestyle

Document Type : Original Article


Ph,D Candidate, Department of Linguistics,, Islamic Azad University Tehran.shomal


Discourse systems are considered important topics in semiotic. These systems play an important role in defining the type of relationships between people and the formation of the power system. The current research has chosen the twenty-third story of the first chapter of Golestan, which was the place of showing the relationship between the powerful and their subordinates, as the subject of investigation. In the first stage, the researcher seeks to identify the discourse systems and factors in this story and finally the role of these factors in the formation of a certain style of life. Since the semiotic values play a role in creating meaning and defining discourse factors, they are also discussed in this research. The results of the present research show that in this story, the actionional regime of discourse is complex and although according to the current situation, it is expected to observe tensive and stative regimes of discourse, but this does not happen. Finally, it became clear that Saadi tried to introduce a new lifestyle in this story by using the solution of changing discourse factors and changing values. An approach of semiotics proposed by Julien Algirdas Grems under the title of Paris school has been used in the analysis of this story. This research was done with a library method and descriptive-analytical method.


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