The Influence of post -Language on Alteration of Post-humanistic Linguistic and cultural Structure's

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. in Persian Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 Ph.D. in Comparative Language and Literature, Bilig University, Istanbul, Turkey


industries poolotion cause we entere to new araa of topology that named Antro posian.thus scientists decided change human's attirude toward a universal approach. Therefor we face on philosophy and Linguistics essenial change s.postlanguage represent a new definition of language ooposite on SuSur's system. we have two main question's in this paper. what's difference bitween susur's and peny cook. and another qustion that how change social and cultural structures.we achive to new information. langige is not a relation betweenminds but alsi Th at's a sort of relation between human's, animal's, plants and even things in our planet and the other one in the world.

hgf nbv nbv xvgh hjhkgl bbggft lokb post language and post humanism lki qwe lkiu vcxz lkjh qwer tyui pracseology hn unity and binary opposision type and local language establish justify betwween humans. bakhtin dialoge can produce polyphony , ambiguity and resemblance in nature and social societies.


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